Category: God’s Word

  • The Fear of the Lord

    No doubt, you have heard that if you are a Christian, you have nothing to fear from God. We are told that “God is a god of love. We are his children. There is nothing to fear from God. And all that talk about the fear of the Lord? Why that’s just a way to…

  • God tells us not to worry

    God tells us not to worry

    God says in Paul’s letter to the Philippians: “Do not be anxious about anything,  but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God (Philippians 4:6).” One way to stop worrying is to trust God and give him our worries. God says through King Solomon: “Trust in the Lord with all your…

  • Where is God During Covid-19?

    In today’s episode I want to explore the question: Where is God During Covid-19? Recently, I learned that a friend of mine in the Philippines, Pastor Diawa, contracted Covid-19. Others in his family were also sick with the virus. Worse than that, some of his friends, also pastors of churches in the area, have died…

  • God Knows All Mysteries

    Several years ago, I was at church looking through a box of unmarked keys. I was looking for a spare key to my office. Since none of the keys were labeled, I had to check several keys until finally, I found a key to my office door. The box was filled with more than two…

  • Get Back to Church

    Get Back to Church

    Have you ever gone away on vacation and then returned home to find some of your houseplants dead? You watered them before you left, but some plants didn’t survive. If you grow houseplants, then you know the importance of light and water. Healthy plants need water and sunlight. Some houseplants need to be watered at…

  • Your Mind’s Eye

    Our eyes are compared to windows to our soul because our eyes reveal our thoughts and feelings. Like windows to our soul, our eyes reveal our true emotions and intentions. Our eyes reveal our moods. For example, we can “smile” with our eyes. On the other hand, you can smile with your mouth, but your…

  • Did Jesus Die on the Cross?

    The world’s population is almost eight billion people. More than half of these eight billion believe in Jesus. That makes more than four billion people who believe in Jesus. These believers believe that Jesus was born of the virgin Mary, and they believe that Jesus was a great prophet of God who performed extraordinary miracles.…

  • God Wants You to Be Successful

    Did you know God wants you to be successful? That’s right! God wants to help you be successful. God wants you to achieve your full potential. Jesus told many stories. These stories were designed to help people find God and live successful lives. One of Jesus’ most famous stories is called “the parable of the…

  • God is Good

    Have you ever gone through a bad experience and wondered where was God? Why did God let this happen? If God is good and loving, why does he let bad things happen to those he loves? When we say: God is good, what are we really saying? In what way is God good? First of…

  • You Can Experience God’s Kingdom in 2021

    The United States has never been ruled by a king unless you count King George of England. For most of the world, kings and queens are a thing of the past. There are, however, twenty-eight countries in the world which still have either a king or a queen. Most of these monarchies are constitutional monarchies.…

  • Cascading Style Sheets

    Years ago, website developers had to style the appearance of each of their webpages. Today they use CSS which stands for Cascading Style Sheet.  A Cascading Style Sheet is an electronic text document used by webpages to give them their distinctive appearance, i.e. style. If you want all the pages of your website to have…

  • Broken Spoke

    Broken Spoke

    Sometimes we need a little maintenance.

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