Tag: work

  • Happy Retirement

    The other morning, I was looking out the window, gazing at a large maple tree. Its leaves had changed color from green to hues of red and yellow–a sure sign the seasons were changing. It reminded me also of the changing season of my life. In spite of my best efforts to stay young, it…

  • Do You Need a Vacation?

    Do You Need a Vacation?

    Did you know that Americans take less vacation days than people in Europe? Americans get fewer vacation days than Europeans, and unlike most Europeans, many Americans don’t use all the vacation time they do get. We take fewer days off and when we are on vacation, it’s not unusual for many Americans to bring work…

  • Avoid the Comfort-Zone

    In 1971, the fast-food restaurant chain McDonald’s introduced an advertising slogan: “You deserve a break today—at McDonald’s.” The advertisement was an instant hit and helped McDonald’s become the giant company it is today. The influence of the catchy slogan, however, went far beyond getting people to buy a McDonald’s hamburger. The slogan became the mantra…

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