Recent Elections

In today’s episode, I’m going to share my thoughts about the recent presidential election.

As always, presidential elections take place every four years on the first Tuesday of November. This is a time of change, not only in our government but also in the seasons. It’s autumn, the time of year when the earth’s circuit around the sun brings the tilt of earth’s axis away from the sun bringing less daylight to those of us who live in the northern hemisphere. During the winter months, the sun is further south on the horizon and there’s less daylight. This change in the direction and duration of sunlight happens every year. The annual changes of the seasons reminds us: change is constant.

The change in sunlight causes other changes. The most obvious is a change in temperature and the changing of the leaves. Leaves change into glorious colors of red, orange, and yellow, and it’s a beautiful thing.

But not all change is beautiful. Not all change is welcome. Recent changes in our country are not welcome. The spiritual changes that are happening in our country are not welcome, nor are they beautiful. Just as the tilt of earth’s axis away from the sun causes less light to shine, so too, as people turn away from God, less light shines into their lives. As people turn away from God, the moral fabric of our society is being ripped to pieces, and our country seems to be entering a dark, post-Christian era. When people turn away from God, they elect godless politicians who take our nation further away from the principles of democracy and freedom and replace them with socialism and tyranny.

So if change is inevitable, and it seems like things are going in the wrong direction, should we just give up? Should we surrender to the negative changes? What can we do about what seems to be an inevitable downward spiral into spiritual darkness and moral chaos?

First, we need to remember, God is still in control. God is in control, and God tells us to pray for our nation. Prayer changes things. Through prayer, we can turn things around. God says, “I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people—for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness (1 Timothy 2:1).”

The Bible says, “If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land (2 Chronicles 7:14).”

In addition to prayer, we should remember that history is full of examples of revival when people and nations made positive changes. Spiritual revival is possible. Spiritual revival can come when you and I turn back to God. Spiritual revival changes us, and revival can overcome the darkness of immorality and bring positive change to our society.

Just as the path of the earth around the sun eventually brings it back so that more light shines on the earth, so too when we turn back to God, God’s light floods into our soul and shines into our society bringing with it truth, honesty, and goodness. 

The changes happening in our country are distressing. Only God knows how dark it will get, but don’t give up hope. God is still in control. If you have believed in Jesus, there is hope. Jesus said, “Believe in God, believe also in me.” We must believe that God can turn things around, but first, we must turn around. We need to change. We need revival.

If you have drifted away from God. If the light in your life has dimmed. Turn back to the light.

How do you get back to the light? The first thing is to make sure you have really trusted Jesus. Ask God to forgive your sins and put your faith in Jesus. Second, read the Bible. Take a few minutes every morning to pray and read the Bible. Third, become active in church. Find a good, Bible-believing church and go to church every Sunday. Finally, tell your friends and family about what God is doing in your life. Reach out to your friends and family with the love of God. As Jesus said, “Let your light shine.”

Just as the annual changes of the seasons reminds us that change is constant, remember, just as things can change for the worse so too, things can change for the better. Be part of that change. Seek God and believe that we can get back to the principles of freedom and democracy. Together, with God’s help, we can turn back the tide of darkness and bring our country into a bright and glorious spiritual revival.



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