God Wants You to Be Successful

Did you know God wants you to be successful? That’s right! God wants to help you be successful. God wants you to achieve your full potential.

Jesus told many stories. These stories were designed to help people find God and live successful lives. One of Jesus’ most famous stories is called “the parable of the sower”. It’s a story about how to be successful. In the story, Jesus tells us about four people. All four people are given an opportunity to grow and mature. All four people are given a chance to live productive lives and to maximize their full potential, but only one out of the four is successful. Only one lived up to his or her full potential. The other three failed. They failed to become what God wanted them to be.

Why did three fail and only one become productive? What was different about the person who was successful? What was the key to their success? The person who was successful had a heart that was open and receptive to the word of God. The successful person listened to the word of God, accepted it, and followed God’s instructions.

The people who were not successful, also heard God’s word, but they failed to follow it. Their hearts were never fully open or receptive to the word of God.

Let’s look at each of the three who failed. The first person failed because he or she did not understand the word of God. Failure to properly understand God’s word is a huge reason many people never fulfill their God-given potential.

God’s word is not too difficult to understand. If you will read God’s word, you will grow in your understanding, and you will be able to do what God says. Don’t let your lack of understanding prevent you from becoming everything God wants you to be. Read God’s word. Find a good church where they teach the Bible, and listen.

The second person in Jesus’ story failed to achieve their God-given potential because they lacked inner fortitude. They did not persevere. They did not continue. Rather than sticking with it, they gave up. They fell away from God.

Following God is not always easy. You will struggle. As you try your best to follow God, there will be times you will stumble and fall, but you must get back up. You can’t surrender to sin. You can’t walk away from God. Get back on the narrow path that leads to life. Confess your sins, and God will forgive your sins and cleanse you from all unrighteousness. Don’t ever give up.
The third person who failed to achieve their God-given potential heard God’s word but failed to succeed because they were burdened with the cares of life.

People like this fail to live up to their potential because they allow the pleasures of life to distract them and lead them away from the straight and narrow path that leads to life. The pleasures of life entice them to go down the broad road that leads to destruction. Jesus described these people as those whose life had became overgrown with weeds—weeds that choked out their life and vitality.

Have you strayed off the narrow path that leads to life? Is your life filled with worldly distractions that keep you away from God? Turn back to God. Turn away from the pleasures and distractions of this world and seek God with all your heart. Only then, can God help you to have the best life possible. Don’t trade the best for less.

Three types of people failed to succeed because each in his or her own way were not open or receptive to the word of God. The person who was open and receptive to God’s word, enjoyed great success.

The Bible is the classic story of how a poor man beats all odds and becomes wealthy. Our problem, however, is not that we suffer from material poverty. Our problem is we suffer from spiritual poverty. Our need is not financial prosperity. Our need is spiritual prosperity. You see, real success is not about money or popularity. Real success is about becoming the person God intends you to be. God has made you to be spiritually prosperous and successful. God wants you to be a winner. The Bible says: “Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and your plans will succeed (Proverbs 16:3).”

The question is are you becoming the person God meant you to be? Are you achieving your God-given potential? God says: “Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful (Joshua 1:8).”

Let God’s word be your guide. Read it. Believe it. Then follow what it says. Accept God’s word as the guidebook for your life. If you obey God’s word, he will make your life successful, and you will enjoy your greatest potential.




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