Do You Need a Vacation?

Did you know that Americans take less vacation days than people in Europe? Americans get fewer vacation days than Europeans, and unlike most Europeans, many Americans don’t use all the vacation time they do get. We take fewer days off and when we are on vacation, it’s not unusual for many Americans to bring work with them–the so-called “working vacation”.

Why do so many Americans think they don’t need to take time off from work? Believe it or not, some people think they don’t need to rest or relax. They’re highly motivated and enjoy the success that comes from persistence and hard work. So, when someone suggests they take a vacation, they reply: “Why take time off?”

The truth is, constantly working without a break is counterproductive. You get less done, you have less motivation, and your creativity will fade. Remember the adage: “All work and no play make Jack a dull boy.”

Taking time off from work has health benefits. Psychologists and medical experts tell us that people who take vacations are healthier than those who don’t take vacations. Some of the emotional and physical benefits of taking time off include:

  1. less stress,
  2. less risk of heart disease,
  3. a better outlook on life,
  4. more motivation to achieve goals.

Unfortunately, highly motivated people ignore the facts concerning the benefits of taking time off. They are too busy chasing their dreams, or they’re too obsessed with success. These high-achievers, however, are the most likely to suffer burnout and other stress-related ailments.

How do you know when it’s time to get some rest and relaxation? Here are a few signs you may need a break from your routine:

  1. You’re on edge. Have you found yourself being impatient or easily irritated? Do you feel stressed out? Maybe it’s time for some rest and relaxation.
  2. You can’t get a good night’s sleep. Do you find it hard to fall asleep? Do you wake up at 3:00am and can’t get back to sleep? Maybe you need some time off.
  3. You lack motivation. Does your job seem tedious and can’t wait for the day to end? Have you lost your enthusiasm for the job or feel like you don’t care? Maybe it’s time for a vacation.

The good news is, you don’t have to turn into a couch potato to relax. Relaxation can include physical activity. I relax by riding my bike. Believe me, cycling at 16 mph and pedaling up hill is a lot of work, but cycling is actually relaxing. It gives me a break from my other responsibilities. It’s a way for me to get away from it all.

Many highly successful people have discovered the benefits of having an activity that helps them forget the job. Some people jog or work out at the gym. Other people like taking walks, playing golf, going fishing, or gardening. These are all wonderful ways to take a break from the daily grind.

In addition to having an activity that helps you unwind from the daily grind, let me suggest that you take your family away for a vacation. A week or more away from the routine responsibilities is important so you can recharge. That’s why vacations are an important form of re-creation.

Vacations don’t have to cost a lot of money. When my children were younger, we didn’t have money for hotels or resorts, so we went camping. For about a third of the price of a hotel, you can camp at a state or national park.

Whatever kind of vacation you prefer, just make sure that once in a while you take a break so you get away for rest and recreation. You’ll be healthier, happier, and more productive.







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