Category: change

  • Is Christmas a happy time for you?

    For millions of people all around the world, Christmas is an especially joyous occasion. Christmas evokes the most cheerful feelings. It’s the time of year we show kindness and love to our fellow human beings and believe that there is hope for the world. It’s a special time, a magical time. But why? Why is…

  • Did You Check Your Attitudometer Today?

    Did You Check Your Attitudometer Today?

    Did you check your attitudometer today?

  • Are You Running Toward God?

    Like many kids, I tried out for various sports. When I was in the fifth grade, I played basketball. I didn’t do well. I couldn’t shoot or dribble. The rest of the team wasn’t good either. We lost every game. Needless to say, I never went out for basketball again. In Jr. High, I went…

  • How to Escape the Darkness

    Where’s the darkest place you’ve ever been? The darkest place I’ve ever been was inside a cave. I was touring a cave, and when we were deep underground, the tour guide had everyone turn off their flashlights. Then he turned off the lights, and we were plunged into total darkness. If you’ve ever been in…

  • Recent Elections

    Recent Elections

    American flag

  • How to find your next job

    The Covid-19 pandemic has put a lot of people out of work. Maybe you’re one of the millions of people who, due to no fault of your own, suddenly find yourself looking for a job, because of the Corona virus. When I was younger, and needed a job, I would take the first job I…

  • Broken Spoke

    Broken Spoke

    Sometimes we need a little maintenance.

  • Tony’s Deli

    We must adapt to the changes in life

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