A few years ago, I took a day off from work for a time of reflection and meditation. I went to a park and spent time thinking and praying. As I walked beneath huge oaks and maples in full autumn splendor, listened to the gently rustle of wind-blown leaves, and felt the warmth of sunshine on my face, I felt a peace and tranquility that had been missing.
I’ve always enjoyed spending time with God outside in nature. Outside, far from other people, I feel a freedom to praise the Lord. I can shout his praises. I can jump and dance in exaltation, and I sometimes feel so overwhelmed by his glory that I fall on my face in humility and confession. In California, I met with God in the hills and fields of Solano County. In Mesquite, Texas, I praised him early in the morning at the soccer fields. In Florida, I walked the fire trails among the slush pines and scrub oaks of Bay County. In Wisconsin, behind Marion High School, I discovered a huge, flat rock where I could lay on my back to view the stars on a cloudless night and meditate on God’s awesome power and splendor. In Ohio, I walked lonely country roads and climbed into gullies to sit for a quiet hour of undisturbed meditation.
Jesus would often slip away to the wilderness and pray. The Bible says, “In the early morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house, and went away to a secluded place, and was praying there (Mark 1:35).”
God did not create you to live isolated from his natural surroundings. Take time to get away and get alone with God. Find a quiet place and time where it’s just you and the Almighty alone, together, surrounded by his awesome creation.
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